Linet Virtuoso

The three cell technology of the Virtuoso mattress mimics the natural movement of the body, preventing pressure damage. The mattress provides frequent and complete elimination of pressure. The Virtuoso is a 24-hour pressure elimination system providing accelerated healing of all grades of pressure ulcers irrespective of mobility. The parameters featured in the system have been carefully chosen based on extensive research along with the results of numerous clinical studies. The Virtuoso mattress has a clinically proven three cell cycle consisting of a trio of spherical cells that alternate at 7.5 minute intervals.

Your benefits at a glance

Technical features

Outer dimensions
200 x 86 x 23cm
Cushion dimensions
45 x 50 x 12,5cm
System control unit dimensions (SCU)
13,6 x 36 x 29cm
Weight (with pump)
13 kg
Maximum load
254 kg

Interested? Please contact us.
